Social Farming and Gardening Conference at Emerson College 20 th – 23 rd October 2022
The theme of the soil’s health as well as its meaning for global resilience and life have never felt so urgent or pertinent. The consciousness of its social, physical, nutritional
and planetary influences and the effects of Bio-Dynamic Social Farming and Gardening could well be seen as existential to human and global survival, wellbeing and future development.
The last international BD and organic Social Farming Conference, organised in collaboration between the STAG (the Dornach based Social Therapy Group), and ACESTA
(the anthroposophical care, education and social therapy association) took place at Emerson College UK in 2017. Now a follow up conference feels timely and important.
Radically new ways are waiting to be discovered to experience and value nature and to revalidate and establish anew our relationships to it, which will be the other theme for
this interactive gathering.
A third theme is a renewed bridge building between our daily work and our dawning esoteric understanding. It was at the end of his life that Rudolf Steiner gave his lectures to
doctors and farmers at the same time as he gave the Lessons of the School of Spiritual Science, bringing together Earth and Stars, Matter and Transubstantiation to give us the
wisdom and enthusiasm that we can make a difference.
*Concessions should be applied for prior to booking by contacting Paulamaria via email:
20 October 2022
to 23 Oct 2022
Emerson College
Forest Row,
East Sussex
RH18 5JX
United Kingdom