• +44 (0)1342 822238
  • bookings@emerson.org.uk

Financial Sustainability and Investment Fund

You contribution can help us regenerate our College and Campus!

The current need

To support our recovery from major external challenges, and to enable us to continue development and activities and meet the very real financial challenge over the next three years, Emerson is opening a Financial Sustainability and Investment Fund.

Emerson, while no longer the home of year-long, full-time anthroposophical training courses, is now the base of several postgraduate courses, especially in the realm of anthroposophical medicine and health care. Through our accredited status we are able to welcome participants from all over the world to attend the English Training in Anthroposophic Medicine, the Mental Health Seminar, the Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Training, the Eurythmy Therapy Training, the Quietude Training, the Rhythmical Massage Therapy Training and Holistic Baby and Childcare (for Early Years Educators) Training, and the Storytelling Beyond Words courses.

We are developing new activities in Waldorf Education, Biodynamics, sustainable horticulture, and climate and earth sustainability; the Refugee (Displaced) Families Social Initiative, with a plethora of other activities linked to mental health and wellbeing.

We need your support

If  you deeply care about Emerson’s survival into the future as a vital resource for the advocating, supporting and embodying humanness, we are reaching out to you to help support us during these challenging times.

While we have conceived of a pathway for Emerson’s future, we need the support of a community around us to help meet the challenges that have beset us. Without the financial support of such a community, Emerson runs the risk of being impacted in similar ways to a number of other holistic and spiritual educational organisations, some of which have recently been obliged to close down aspects of, or all of their work.

I. Support our educational development

We are appealing for your financial support to secure £500,000 to meet our anticipated running costs and shortfall over the next three years, as Emerson is still recovering from the pandemic. All donations received will support the courses, the new activities and our teaching and hosting spaces.

II. Support our recovery from debt and the challenges of Covid

We are also seeking low-interest loans, or gifts, up to £800,000 to transform the burden of existing lending pressures into a more manageable repayment programme.

III. Support of Initiatives and Student subsides

Your regular donation and gifting to our initiatives will enable the growth of participants to attend courses from an international and economically diverse background, which in turn enlivens the health of Emerson both financially and socially. Other gifting will support the roll out of our equal access to all across the campus through the installation of the Café to Pixton House disability ramp and new improvements to accommodation.

Green Shoots

Emerson is already experiencing regeneration. Courses and activities are increasing, and so is their attendance, and income is therefore growing. Our new Emerson Profile expresses Emerson’s renewed purpose and determination. ‘Emerson – College, Campus, Community’

Sponsorship and investment

Emerson needs your caring attention and financial support. If you treasure the presence of Emerson as a place of spiritual, professional and social renewal, and as a force for positive, constructive growth and balance within the evolving and ever-challenging world, then this is the time to give your active support to ensure Emerson’s survival – through sponsorship and investment.

Please get in touch with me for further details and how you could support us at this time through loans or gifts. In togetherness we thrive.

Thank you for your support!

Damian Mooncie,

CEO and Principal for Education
E: damian.mooncie@emerson.org.uk
M: 07756 307 402  T: 01342 822238


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