Cost: £385
Learn the alchemy and processes involved in making your own set of watercolour and gouache paints. The roots, berries and minerals that we will be precipitating, grinding and binding, all have layered correspondences that link to the planetary archetypes.
Using compasses and straight-edge we will create mandalas that also resonate with the planetary patterns.
The symbolism and character of colour in different traditions will be explored as we apply our paints to patterns to reveal works of dazzling beauty to adorn the home and nourish the soul.
We’ll explore traditional palettes, colour theory and techniques and course participants will be introduced to the language of colour and their archetypal realities. Discover how to compose with colour through the use of harmonic triads, and how, through the use of major and minor relationships, one becomes aware of the profound correspondence between chromatic structure and musical structure …
The earth is the natural apothecary of the arts, hidden within its depths are all the variety of pigments as seen in great works of art throughout the world.
During this workshop students will explore the traditional processes by which pure pigments are extracted from their natural sources in the form of earth, rocks, roots and berries, and how these are then purified and transformed into pure pigments. Working with the semi precious rocks such as Malachite, Azurite and Chrysocolla, as well as certain plants such as Madder root and Persian berry, students will discover first hand the miraculous processes by which these raw materials can be transformed into pure pigments and made into paint.
In the second part of this workshop students will learn about the traditional mediums and recipes used for making paints – watercolour (gum arabic), egg tempera, encaustic, casein and oil paint.
From this workshop students will gain a knowledge of how to make their own paints directly from nature and the integral connection of creativity to the natural world. (David Cranswick)
05 December 2022
to 09 Dec 2022
9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Emerson College
Forest Row,
East Sussex
RH18 5JX
United Kingdom