St Anthony’s Trust invites you to a celebration of Silent Spring 60 Years, honouring the legacies of Rachel Carson and the biodynamic farmers who informed the writing of Silent Spring.
Silent Spring ignited the modern environmental movement, giving rise to Earth Day, the ban on DDT that saved endangered species, creation of agencies for the protection of the environment and human health, to greater ecological awareness worldwide.
Talks, workshops and exhibitions will explore the significance of Rachel Carson’s enduring work in connection with biodynamic agriculture and the future of UK food and farming. Biodynamic farmer Marina O’Connell launches her book Designing Regenerative Food Systems and why we need them now. Regenerative farmer Sarah Langford presents her book Rooted: Stories of Life, Land and a Farming Revolution. There will be guided walks through biodynamic botanical gardens and nearby community farms in the beautiful Sussex countryside.
Workshops include Biodynamics and ecologies of care, Exploring food quality through Goethean observation, Mapping a vision for food resilience in Sussex.
We warmly thank our contributors and special guests – Vic Borrill (Brighton & Hove Food Partnership), Peter Brown (Tablehurst Farm), Jonathan Code (Royal Agricultural University), Josie Cohen (Pesticide Action Network), Berni Courts (Ruskin Mill Trust), Camilla Fayed (Farmacy Restaurant), Kirsten Hartvig (Healing Gardens), Gabriel Kaye (Biodynamic Association), Sarah Langford (farmer and author), Martin Large (founder Biodynamic Land Trust), Marina O’Connell (farmer and author), Neil Ravenscroft (International Agriculture University), James Woodward (Sustain), biodynamic and regenerative farmers and Sussex and UK food practitioners.
Organic and locally sourced lunch and refreshments will be provided.
A St Anthony’s Trust and Living Earth Conversations event
St Anthony’s Trust is guardian of the Rachel Carson Centre at Emerson College, and Tablehurst and Plaw Hatch Community Farms in Forest Row
This event is by invitation. For information contact Sarri Tapales
23 September 2022
to 23 Sep 2022
Emerson College
Forest Row,
East Sussex
RH18 5JX
United Kingdom