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  • If you are thinking of applying for this course and would like to find out more.  Please click the ‘Apply’ button which will take you to the main course page.
  • If you have already been accepted onto the course and would like to book your meals and accommodation at Emerson College, please click the ‘Book Stay’ button.

Course Overview

Storytelling Beyond Words is a full time, 12 week training in the art and craft of storytelling aims to prepare you to carry the spoken word and a lively imagination into your communities and places of work. Whether you wish through sharing stories to entertain, educate, counsel, inspire or advocate change; whether the stage, fire side, classroom, board room, or the bedside of a dying person is the context for your telling, this is our flagship training to develop a way of storytelling unique to your own voice and calling. Join us on a journey to light up your creativity and, through the surprising perspectives that this work offers, discover new aspects of who you are. This journey, both playful and profound, opens a path of development and transformation guided by humanity’s great shifters and shapers – Stories.

Storytelling Beyond Words


Further Information

20 March 2022
to 17 Jun 2022


Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom