• +44 (0)1342 822238
  • bookings@emerson.org.uk

SAOG The Craftsman's Secret

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Using traditional methods we will explore the magic and mystery of harmonic geometry and how to marry these primordial forms to reveal the craftsman's secret


Medieval Gilding

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

with Lucie Rose Galvani The artwork in medieval manuscripts is called illumination partly because the gold included in the paintings around the text was bringing light to the page and thus it was illuminated. Raised gilding on manuscript gesso is one of the most used techniques for applying gold leaf on designs in medieval manuscripts. This technique ...


Stories through my Paint Box

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

A journey through storytelling and painting exploring colours. With Giovanna Conforto and Mary-Anne Paterson


International Trainers Forum

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Non-public annual professional meeting for members and guests (by invitation only).


Rhytmische Einreibung – June 2020

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Accommodation and meal booking for students who are enrolled in the current course.


Workshop on Nature Spirits with Karsten Massei

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

In this workshop we will learn to understand the life of nature spirits and how to perceive them.


Art of Ottoman Floral Illumination

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

A unique three-day practical painting workshop, led by Sharmina Haq, where participants will explore and take inspiration from exquisite silk fabrics from the Ottoman Empire. These luxurious textiles were characterised by large-scale stylised floral patterns including carnations, tulips, roses, hyacinths and cherry blossoms and highlighted by shimmering gold and silver threads which are now emblematic ...


Wild Colour – Dye/Pigment/Patterns

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

Join us for this exciting and new collaborative course with two leading exponents of 'closed-loop' creating! Experience the joy and satisfaction of foraging and re-fashioning natural materials to create stunning dyes and inks, pigments and paints. Learn the essentials of sacred geometry and how to create beautiful fabric print designs and 'resist' patterns using a ...


Enough is Enough!

Emerson College Emerson College, Forest Row, East Sussex, United Kingdom

This weekend we will explore, through myth, our connection to Nature and where disrespect and insatiable desire might lead us; guided by Stella Kassimati and Giovanna Conforto.
