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Recently Vivian Gladwell of Nose to Nose Clowning spent two weeks in Chengdu, China, promoting courses at Emerson College. This August a group from China will be arriving at Emerson …
Through clowning and connecting to our playful spirit we develop our trust of life and ourselves.
The word “courage” comes from a root that means “heart.” Through clowning and connecting to our playful spirit we can develop and sustain, in ourselves and each other, the heart to be who we truly are, to trust life and ourselves.
An essential course for grounding your experience of clowning – with David Goldsworthy & Vivian Gladwell.
We are delighted to showcase these beautiful clowning drawings by Angie Wakeman…
An exploration of the roots of love, fear and longing with Vivian Gladwell and Ashley Ramsden.
The word “courage” comes from a root that means “heart.” This course establishes the ground for all our work and is an essential first step before going on to more advanced courses.