• +44 (0)1342 822238
  • bookings@emerson.org.uk

Henriette Dekkers-Appel

Co-founder of, and lecturer on, the Anthroposophic Psychotherapy course.

Henriette is an experienced anthroposophic psychotherapist, a visiting lecturer at Witten-Herdecke University, Germany, and registered by the LVVA, the Dutch Association for psychotherapists.  She has recently retired as joint International Coordinator of Psychotherapy in the Medical Section of the School of Spiritual Science, subsection Psychotherapy and is a Board member of the International Federation of Anthroposophic Psychotherapy Associations.  Henriette has trained practitioners in anthroposophic psychotherapy in Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Israel, Brazil, Great Britain, Argentina, Russia, Chile and India. She works in an anthroposophic therapeuticum in the Netherlands and specializes in working with personality disorders.  Her research into personality disorders has been published in Dutch and German.

Anthroposophic Psychotherapy 2024