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by Stella Kassimati

29th September – 1st October 2023
Friday 7.30-9.30pm,
Saturday 9.00am till 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am till 12.30pm

Course Fee: £185

“Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it.
Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it!” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

This is the ideal course to lead you into something completely new, something you’ve never done before, but want to start now: Storytelling.
If you have ever wondered what it would be like to tell a traditional story or a myth, if you’ve ever thought “I could never remember all that”….. if you’ve ever struggled with speaking in front of an audience, then this could be just the course for you. Begin it Now!

By the end of the weekend you’ll have a traditional story under your belt, gained confidence in speaking in front of others and go away with some hot tips on how best to tell a story. All this will take place in a supportive atmosphere at Emerson College, with plenty of fun to allow you to unfold your natural creativity and begin storytelling now!
No experience and a willingness to try out new things are the requirements for this course.
This course is the recommended first step into Storytelling at the School of Storytelling, Emerson College.

The Guardian recognises “Begin it Now!” workshop with Stella Kassimati at Emerson College, UK as one of the 15 U.K.’s best creative retreats. https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2021/may/29/crafty-breaks-15-of-the-uks-best-creative-retreats?fbclid=IwAR3oX6PIC_teA1tVDdRM828CJM8UBKFup_I0ZPD5FriSIdpzQO7zLzJXcLo
“In just a short weekend, Stella really set the foundations for my storytelling. I was amazed at how much I learnt and how often I come back to the advice that she gave me. She brought her warm heart and her playful energy, and made the weekend magical.” Chris Adriaanse, U.K. Begin it Now! 2017 with Stella.

“The course was magical. I would like to do more workshops with Stella.” Seung-Ah Kim, Korea, opening a window to Greek Myths 2019

“I found this course excellent, informative and inspiring laced with warmth, humour and encouraging support.” Mary Barnes, U.K. Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019

“I appreciated Stella’s warmth and her gentle and encouraging style. The workshop was playful and fun and a bit magical at times. A real pleasure. It leaves me with a real pointer for how to work with stories. I leave with many images to ‘cook with’ and reflect upon…” Pam, U.K Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019

“It was an excellent experience and I appreciated the experiential and playful way storytelling was taught. I would redo it and recommend it to others” Nicole Voillat, Switzerland, Opening a Window to Greek Myths 2019

Step 1: Book Place
To book your place please contact Stella at schoolofstorytelling@gmail.com or text her on +44 (0) 7765977149.

Step 2: Book Stay
Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation

Further Information

29 September 2023
to 01 Oct 2023


Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom