Medicinal herb propagation with botanist Alice Livingstone MSc
Day Workshop, 9:30 – 16:30
A fascinating workshop about plant identification and the principles and techniques for propagating medicinal plants to grow in your own garden; and how to use them in your home apothecary or dispensary.
We look at plant identification keys, take seasonal cuttings from the apothecary garden, teach you different propagation skills and methods, and talk about the medicinal and culinary use of the plants we find and propagate on the day.
Alice Livingstone BSc (Landscape Management), MSc (Plant Diversity) is a botanical propagator and field botanist who specialises in UK flora. She has worked in the nurseries of several famous gardens.
Kirsten Hartvig ND, MNIMH, DipPhyt is a medical herbalist, registered naturopath, nutritionist, writer, and author of 14 books on herbs and plant foods as medicine. She is also a keen botanist, cook and herb gardener.
Alice is curator of the Biodynamic Botanic Garden at Emerson College. Kirsten manages The Healing Garden, which is the apothecary section of the botanic garden.
11 March 2023
to 11 Mar 2023
9:30 am - 4:30 pm
Emerson College, Hartfield Road
Forest Row,
East Sussex
RH18 5JX