• +44 (0)1342 822238
  • bookings@emerson.org.uk
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with Stella Kassimati and Maria Zourari

Tuition fee: £220

Time: Friday 7.30pm – 9.30pm
Saturday 9.00am – 12.30pm and 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Sunday 9.00am – 12.30pm

A knowledge of the four temperaments or humours were used by the ancient Greeks to diagnose and treat illness in the human body. The temperaments were linked to the four elements fire, water, earth and air and it was said that a whole, healthy person had all four temperaments in balance.

The temperaments are more vivid and ‘loud’ in children than adults. It is common that one temperament usually dominates the others and defines our behaviour. We may find that our temperament guides our choice of stories and the way we tell them. Understanding the temperaments means understanding the individuality of each person and child. Knowing their qualities gives us the ability to adapt our telling accordingly.

Using movement, music, colour and storytelling exercises we will explore how the qualities of the temperaments can bring health, balance and variety to our telling in general and especially to children.

Previous storytelling experience is beneficial.

This course is suitable for storytellers, teachers and people who work with children.

Booking is a two step process:

Step 1: Book your place on the course by emailing Stella and Maria at
stella@schoolofstorytelling.com or by text 0044 (0) 77659 77149

Step 2: Click ‘Book Stay’ to book meals and accommodation

Further Information

10 November 2023
to 12 Nov 2023


Emerson College
Forest Row, East Sussex RH18 5JX United Kingdom